Ibanez Gio GS130



This item has been checked over in the Booths Music workshop and has been given the stamp of approval. Any marks, blemishes, or playability issues that we encountered are listed below.


Body/ Appearance: 4 out of 5 – sdfha asdifh f as erofi aeof da df oaf sadh fdadfs f ergr egdfid dfpad iadi eq nih ads iuhsa dkfawi[w iehg idh abf dsiuhw  iefh dssadklhwe i.

Playability: 4 out of 5 –sdfha asdifh f as erofi aeof da df oaf sadh fdadfs f ergr egdfid dfpad iadi eq nih ads iuhsa dkfawi[w iehg idh abf dsiuhw  iefh dssadklhwe i.